Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 4th International Conference on Physics Berlin, Germany

Venue: Golden Tulip Berlin – Hotel Hamburg.

Day :

Keynote Forum

Alessandra Toncelli

Nanoscience Institute-CNR, Italy

Keynote: New materials for radiation sources in the mid-infrared region

Time : 09:30-10:00

Conference Series Physics 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Alessandra Toncelli photo

Alessandra Toncelli has completed her PhD in Physics in 1998 from the University of Pisa. She is Associate Professor at the same University. Her main scientific interests
concern the optical spectroscopy of materials in various wavelength regions from the visible to the infrared and THz region. The aim is either to study the material itself
(semiconductors, 2D materials, crystals, nanoparticles, polymers, etc.) or the light-matter interaction in new regimes (strong coupling). She has published more than 170
papers in international peer-reviewed journals and currently holds an h index of 41 in Scopus and 42 in ISI Web of Science databases.


The mid-infrared region (MID-IR) is usually considered spanning from 3 to 8 μm wavelength. This is an extremely useful
region for many applications because roto-vibrational transitions of molecules lie in this region. In fact, possible applications
comprise material analysis, quality control, dynamic measurements, environmental and medical monitoring applications, forensic
testing, analysis of art objects, etc. Historically, laser sources in this region were bulky and did not permit the development of
wide-spread applications. The situation dramatically changed in the last decades with the advent of compact coherent sources
like quantum cascade lasers, which, unfortunately, possess intrinsic limitations as for output peak power and beam quality.
Moreover, most quantum cascade lasers must be operated at cryogenic temperature, although room temperature operation is
possible with strong performance limitations. A completely different approach for MID-IR quantum light generation is the use of
doped insulating crystals as active media. Transition metals like Cr2+ and Fe+2 have already been used as dopant agents for broadly
tunable pulsed emission, but the use of rare earths can widen the emission wavelength regions available and permit continuous
wave (CW) emission with excellent beam quality. Another, more exotic, possibility is the achievement of polariton lasing in
semiconductor heterostructures. A brief review of the state of the art and recent developments in this field will be given.

Keynote Forum

Laszlo P Csernai

University of Bergen, Norway

Keynote: Sustainable development, energy and entropy

Time : 09:05-09:40


Laszlo P Csernai worked as Professor of Theoretical Physics in Bergen, Norway in the recent 30 years. He has earlier worked in Hungary, East- and West Germany and in
the USA. He supervised 23 students for Master’s degree and 16 for PhD from his Bergen Graduates and Postdocs, today seven are Professors, in USA, China, Romania,
Spain and Oslo. He worked primarily in the field of nuclear theory, mostly with high energy heavy ions and has more than 300 publications in many fields of physics.
Between 2000-2005, he was directing the Bergen Computational Physics Laboratory, a 1 million Euro, Research Infrastructure of the EU. He is member of Det Norske
Videnskaps-Akademi, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Technology, two Hungarian Academies and he is now member of the Council and earlier he Chaired the
Physics and Engineering Section of Academia Europaea.


The physical fundamentals of sustainable development in physics and entropy as well as the basics of energy, heat and
entropy and waste heat will be presented. Following the ground breaking work of E Schroedinger, it will be shown that
sustainable development can be quantitatively connected to decreasing entropy. Subsequently we will discuss different energy
sources, their efficiency and the connected entropy production. Energy storage and transfer will be analyzed for different
processes from the point of view of efficiency and entropy production. Finally the same analysis will be presented for energy
use and some examples from present human technology.

Keynote Forum

Yuichiro Nagame

Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan

Keynote: Determination of the first ionization potentials of heavy actnides based on an atom at a time scale

Time : 11:40-12:05


Yuichiro Nagame is currently Senior Associate of Advanced Science Research Center in Japan Atomic Energy Agency and Professor of Ibaraki University. He received a
PhD degree in 1982 with a study of strongly damped collision mechanism in heavy ion induced nuclear reactions from Tokyo Metropolitan University. His research interests
are chemical and nuclear properties of the heaviest elements, nuclear fission, heavy ion induced nuclear reactions and so on. He served as a Chairman of Japan Society
of Nuclear and Radio chemical Sciences during 2010-2012. He was an IUPAC Associate Member from 2000 to 2001, and is a Member/Fellow of IUPAC since 2002.


The first ionization potential (IP1) is one of the most sensitive atomic properties which reflect the outermost electron
configuration. Precise and accurate determination of IP1 of heavy elements allows us to give significant information on
valence electronic structure affected by relativistic effects. The IP1 values of heavy elements up to einsteinium (Es, Z=99),
produced in a nuclear reactor in macroscopic quantities were successfully measured by resonance ionization mass spectroscopy.
IP1 values of heavy elements with Z≥100, however, have not been determined experimentally, because both half lives and
production rates of nuclides of still heavier elements are rapidly decreasing, which forces us to manage elements on an atomat-
a-time scale. In the present study, we report the determination of the IP1 values of heavy actinides from fermium (Fm,
Z=100) through lawrencium (Lr, Z=103) using a surface ionization technique. The surface ion-source installed in JAEA-ISOL
(isotope separator on-line) was applied for measuring the ionization of the short-lived nuclides 249Fm (half-life T1/2=2.6 min),
251Md (T1/2=4.27 min), 257No (T1/2=24.5 s), and 256Lr (T1/2=27 s) that were produced in the 243Am + 11B, 243Am + 12C, 248Cm + 13C,
and 249Cf + 11B reactions, respectively, at the JAEA tandem accelerator. The number of ions collected after the mass-separation
was determined by α-particle spectroscopy to evaluate ionization efficiencies. The obtained IP1 values are in good agreement
with those predicted by state of the art relativistic calculations as well as with early prediction. The contribution will present
experimental details and results obtained in this study.

Keynote Forum

Livius Trache

Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Romania

Keynote: Star physics in above- and under-ground nuclear physics laboratory

Time : 11:15-11:40


Livius Trache is versatile physicist with over 35 years experience of work in several nuclear physics laboratories in Eastern and Western Europe, Russia and USA.
Research in experimental nuclear physics, with contributions in nuclear structure, in nuclear astrophysics, and in reactions between heavy ions, including reactions with
radioactive nuclear beams. Have developed theoretical models needed to describe the nuclear structure studied, and for new indirect methods for nuclear astrophysics.
Experienced in equipment design and construction and also in applied nuclear physics, ranging from the analysis of macroelements and trace elements in archaeological
material and in semiconductors using atomic and nuclear methods (XRF, PIXE, neutron activation, proton or deuteron activation), to the detection of nuclear radiation. He
lead a nuclear structure group in the Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN) in Bucharest, Romania from 1983 to 1998 and one at Texas A&M University. He
had in the past and he have currently approved experiments in laboratories in Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Italy, France and Japan. Experienced working with
large experimental devices or arrangements, like magnetic spectrometers and multidetectors.


We have learned so much about the Universe in these few first years of the 21st century that we are wondering if we are in
the midst of a revolution in physics similar to that of the first decades of the last century. Many of these discoveries of the
21st century were made by progress in observations of the macro-cosmos, looking above us with better and better tools. Others
were coming from the study of the micro-cosmos, and better and more powerful tools were essential here, too. But many of
the news from the stars above us rely on data we gather in the terrestrial laboratories. Nuclear reactions are the fuel of the stars
and the elemental abundances are fingerprints of the evolution of the Universe, but to understand these broad and well-known
statements we need the data of what we call nuclear astrophysics; or better said nuclear physics for astrophysics. These studies
are carried out in nuclear physics laboratories, large and small. The author will refer to a few of these, exemplifying with work
that the author has done with his group, or he participated to. They are carried out in large institutions around the world,
dedicated to the production and use of radioactive nuclear beams or in smaller laboratories hidden underground in order
to improve the chances of detection in cases of very poor signal/background ratio. The latter are direct nuclear astrophysics
measurements, while the former are using what we call indirect methods. Both cases involve better technologies and the
contact with industries was and remains crucial in their realization. That comes in large facilities, pushing the size and power
limits of current technologies, or in smaller sizes, insisting on better detector materials and smaller and smaller, but more and
more complex and fast electronics and data acquisition systems. The examples used will be from studies of radiative proton
capture processes and of carbon burning.

Keynote Forum

Lidia Obojska

Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland

Keynote: Quaternions for singlet states of quantum particles

Time : 12:55-13:20


Lidia Obojska has completed her PhD in 1999 from Warsaw University, and her habilitation in 2014 from Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw. She is a Professor at
Siedlce University, and the Head of the Department of Mathematics and Physics. She has published papers in the field of mathematics and physics. She wrote a book on
a non-classical collective set theory, and has been serving as a referee in several journals.


The following presentation proposes a way to construct quaternions describing singlet states of quantum particles. The
given method follows from an entangled-part theory(EPT). The basic relation of EPT is the division relation, which is
pre-ordering; the anti-symmetry is rejected. Anti-symmetry is necessary for establishing order on elements, but in some cases
it can be too restrictive since it excludes duality; i.e. it glues objects together that are symmetric. In the proposed theory
we define an ordering in terms of the division relation. Moreover, we apply the rejection of anti-symmetry for definition of
indistinguishable objects. In this way, within EPT we can interpret singlet states of quantum particles. The obtained results
suggest that there exist two pairs of quaternions, and they are the only quaternions generating singlet states because they
are generators of the same finite group. Quaternions that form a pair have the same angles of rotation, and the same vectors,
designating the axis of rotation; however, the rotations are in opposite directions. Finally, once quaternions for singlet states
were created, we may be able to generalize the method, and create pairs of quaternions for any, finite number of entangled
particles. Such research is in progress.
Recent Publications:
1. L Obojska (2013) Some remarks on supplementation principles in the absence of anti-symmetry. Review of Symbolic
Logic 6(2):343-347.
2. L Obojska (2013) At the foundations of collective set theory; on non-anti-symmetric mereology. Wyd. UPH w
Siedlcach ISSN 2082-5684.

Keynote Forum

Eliza Wajch

Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland

Keynote: Problems on quasi-sets in quantum mechanics

Time : 12:30-12:55


Eliza Wajch completed her PhD from Lodz University in 1988 and her habilitation in Poland in 1998. She is a Mathematician working on topology, axiomatic foundations
of mathematics and physics, as well as on applied mathematics. She participated in international conferences on topology, real analysis, set theory, number theory and
on physics. She is an Author or Co-author of about 40 articles and of one book. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce in Poland.


This research concerns consequences of modifications of several axioms of Krause’s remarkable quasi-set theory (QST) in
which quantum objects, indistinguishability and quasi-cardinals are taken into consideration. A motivation for changes
of QST, strictly relevant to applications in quantum mechnics, will be given. A notion of a model of QST is suggested since
satisfactory constructions of models of QST are needed. It can be shown that, paradoxically, it may happen in a model of
QST that there exists an infinite collection of pairwise distinct quasi-cardinal assignments such that distinct members of
this collection assign distinct quasi-cardinals to the same quasi-set of micro-atoms of QST although every quasi-set has only
one quasi-cardinal with respect to a given quasi-cardinal assignment. This is an answer to the following question posed, in
November 2017, by F Holik who had been inspired by my results shown partly at the 2nd International Conference on Physics
in Brussels in August 2017: is it possible to create a denumerable family of equally valid quasi-cardinal functions in such a way
that it can be proved that a particle number of a given quasi-set cannot be defined? Comments on another question of F Holik
whether different quasi-cardinal functions can represent different outcomes of a physical experiment with a particle number
measurement will be made.

  • High Energy Nuclear Physics | Quantum Science & Technology | Classical & Modern Physics | Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics
Location: Slyt 3
  • Material Physics | Nano-Technology | Electromagnetism and Electronics | Condensed Matter Physics | Applied Physics
Location: Slyt 3
  • Astro-Particle Physics & Cosmology | Plasma Science
Location: Slyt 3