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Majid Amooshahi

University of Isfahan, Iran

Title: Canonical relativistic quantization of electromagnetic field in the presence of an anisotropic conductor magneto-dielectric medium


Biography: Majid Amooshahi


A canonical relativistic quantization of electromagnetic field is introduced in the presence of an anisotropic conductor
magneto-dielectric medium. The medium is modeled by a continuum collection of the vector fields and a continuum
collection of the antisymmetric tensor fields of the second rank in Minkowski space-time. The collection of vector fields
describes the conductivity property of the medium and the collection of antisymmetric tensor fields describes the polarization
and the magnetization properties of the medium. The conservation law of the total electric charges, induced in the anisotropic
conductor magneto-dielectric medium, is deduced using the antisymmetry conditions imposed on the coupling tensors that
couple the electromagnetic field to the medium. Two relativistic covariant constitutive relations for the anisotropic conductor
magneto-dielectric medium are obtained. One of the constitutive relations relates the free electric current density fourvector,
induced in the medium, to the strength tensor of the electromagnetic field. Another constitutive relation relates the
antisymmetric electric -magnetic polarization tensor field of the medium to the strength tensor of the electromagnetic field.
It is shown that for a homogeneous anisotropic medium the susceptibility tensor of the medium satisfies the Kramers-Kronig
relations. Also it is shown that for a homogeneous anisotropic medium the real and imaginary parts of the conductivity tensor
of the medium in frequency domain, are related to each other by the Kramers-Kronig relations and a relation other than the
Kramers-Kronig relations. The electromagnetic field together with the anisotropic conductor magneto-dielectric medium are
quantized in a canonical relativistic standard way in the Gupta-Bleuler framework.