Vasily Yu Belashov
Kazan Federal University, Russia
Title: New sight at the nature of superconductivity phenomenon: Simple explanation
Biography: Vasily Yu Belashov
All existing interpretations of superconductivity are based anyhow on the idea of the charge transfer by free carriers. The
exotic conditions of the nondissipative transfer are sought in all cases. But it is possible to explain this phenomenon more
simply: by collectivization of the bound valence electrons in a macrobody. So, we postulate the possibility of existence of such
state of solid when the valence electrons being in the stationary energy state, get common for all ensemble of atomic remains of
solid. In other words, we postulate the possibility of existence of the giant molecule (gimole) with uniprobable localization of
the bound valence electrons on all atomic remains (i.e. the wave function of each of these electrons is distributed quasiuniform
in all space of gimole). That corresponds to the N-multiple exchange degeneracy of the energy levels where N is the atomic
remains’ number in gimole. So, we propose the explanation of nature of phenomenon which is based on the postulate of
possibility of existence of the gimole with uniprobable localization of the bound valence electrons on all atomic remains,
without drawing of the idea of charge transfer by free carriers and without inventing of various exotic conditions for realization
of the nondissipative transfer. Thus, the explanation of the nature of superconductivity phenomenon which is based on the
postulate of possibility of existence of the gimole with uniprobable localization of the bound valence electrons on all atomic
remains is proposed. A way of the experimental testing of our model is shown.