Theme: Accentuating Novel Researches and frontline Advances of Physics
Physics 2017
Conference Series the World Class Open Access Publisher and Scientific Event Organizer is organising “2nd International Conference on Physics” which is going to be the biggest conference dedicated to Physics. The theme “Accentuating Novel Researches and frontline Advances of Physics” and it features a three day conference addressing the major upheavals, provocations and the resolution adopted. The conference will be held during August 28-30, 2017 at Brussels, Belgium.
The field of physics have not only helped the development in different fields in science and technology but also contributed towards the improvement of the quality of human life to a great extent. All this has become possible with the different discoveries and inventions leading to the development of various applications. The core aim of Physics 2017 conference is to provide an opportunity for the delegates to meet, interact and exchange new ideas in the various areas of physics. International Conference on Physics will add a contribution to the conference series in the field of Physics. The physics conference is going to conduct sessions on various fields in physics such as advanced physics, applied physics, electromagnetism, condensed matter physics, atomic, molecular and optical physics, particle physics, astrophysics, quantum physics and chemical physics, etc. which are the top tracks that we are going to categorize at our prestigious conference. This worldwide meet will provide a platform where information between researchers from the different controls can be effectively traded.
Conference Series is conducting this event which includes present significant themes of physics conferences such as medical physics conference, applied physics conference, occupational physics conference, high energy physics conference, plasma physics conference, applied physics conference, condensed matter physics conference, quantum physics conference, etc.
Track 1: Classical Physics
Classical Physics is the study of matter and its motion, together with connected ideas like energy and force. The main goal of physics is to study the universal behaviour. Physics intersects with several knowledge base areas of analysis, such as physical science and quantum chemistry, and therefore the boundaries of physics aren't bolt outlined. New ideas in physics usually create a case for the elemental mechanisms of different sciences whereas gap new paths of analysis in areas like arithmetic and philosophy. It intersects with several integrative areas of study and research, like medical physics, quantum chemistry, applied physics and therefore the boundaries of physics aren't bolt outlined. We tend to see completely different potential ideas in physics once it involves discussion of making, inventing and discovering from analysis in numerous sectors concerned in it.
Physics Conferences | Quantum Physics Conferences | Condensed Matter Physics Conferences
2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, November 06-07, 2017, Beijing, China; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; 6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics International Conference, June 18-23, 2017, Catania, Italy; Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, February 22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, August 17-26, 2017, Crete, Greece.
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 2: Astrophysics
Astronomy that deals with the study of nature of the heavenly bodies, rather than their positions or motions in space found in the seventeenth century growth of a bound together physical science, in which the same laws connected to the divine and physical domains. Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that employs the principles of physics and chemistry. Among the objects studied are the Sun, other stars, galaxies, extrasolar planets, the interstellar medium and the cosmic microwave background. Their radiations are examined across all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the properties observed include luminosity, density, temperature, and chemical composition. Because astrophysics is a very wide subject, astrophysicists typically apply many disciplines of physics, including mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and particle physics, and atomic and molecular physics.
Physics Conferences | Quantum Physics Conferences | Nuclear Physics Conferences
2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, November 06-07, 2017, Beijing, China; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; 6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics International Conference, June 18-23, 2017, Catania, Italy; Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, February 22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, August 17-26, 2017, Crete, Greece; Astronomical Institute of Amsterdam; Alachua Astronomy Club; Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI* Research Association; Astronomical Association of Queensland; Board on Physics and Astronomy; Cambridge Institute of Astronomy; New Jersey Astronomical Society
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 3: Particle And Nuclear Physics
Particle physics is the division of physics that studies the nature of the particles that constitute matter and radiation. Though the word "particle" can refer to several types of very small objects (e.g. protons, gas particles, or household dust), "particle physics" commonly investigates the irreducibly smallest detectable particles and the irreducibly fundamental force fields required to explain them. Nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies atomic nuclei and their constituents and relations. The most commonly known application of nuclear physics is nuclear power generation, then the research has led to applications in various fields, including nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear weapons, ion embedding in materials engineering, and radiocarbon dating in geology and archaeology.
Physics Conferences | Quantum Physics Conferences | Advanced Physics Conferences
2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, November 06-07, 2017, Beijing, China; 3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; 6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, August 17-26, 2017, Crete, Greece; AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Center for Physics; American Physical Society (APS); American Nuclear Society (ANS); ASM International: The Materials Information Society (ASM).
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 4: Applied Physics
Applied physics is physics which is intended for a specific technological or practical use. It is usually considered as a connection between physics and engineering. "Applied" is distinguished from "pure" by a subtle combination of factors such as the motivation and approach of researchers and the nature of the relationship to the technology or science that might be affected by the work. It usually differs from engineering in that an applied physicist may not be designing something in specific, but rather is using physics or conducting physics research with the aim of developing new technologies or resolving an engineering problem. This approach is similar to that of applied mathematics.
Physics Conferences | Quantum Physics Conferences | Occupational Physics Conferences
Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, February 22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, August 17-26, 2017, Crete, Greece; AIRSEDS; AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Institute of Physics (AIP); Canadian Space Society; National Research Council; National Space Science & Technology Institute.
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 5: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Atomic and molecular physics is the study of matter-matter interactions; at the scale of one or a few atoms. The energy scales around several electron volts. These two areas are closely interrelated. Atomic and molecular theory includes classical, semi-classical and quantum treatments. Typically, the theory and applications of emission, absorption, scattering of electromagnetic radiation (light) from excited atoms and molecules, fall into these categories. Research in optical physics places an highlight on ultrafast optical science and technology. The applications of optical physics create progressions in communications, medicine, manufacturing, and even entertainment. Researchers in optical physics use and develop light sources that span the electromagnetic spectrum from microwaves to X-rays. The applications of optical physics create innovations in communications, medicine, manufacturing, and even entertainment.
Physics Conferences | Astrophysics Conferences | Quantum Physics Conferences
3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; 6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics International Conference, June 18-23, 2017, Catania, Italy; Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, February 22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, August 17-26, 2017, Crete, Greece; American Chemical Society (ACS); FAS - Federation of American Scientists; Optical Society of America (OSA); Laser Institute of America (LIA); National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP); ASM International: The Materials Information Society (ASM).
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 6: Laser Physics
Laser physics principally deals with quantum electronics, laser construction, optical cavity design, the physics of producing a population inversion in laser media, and the temporal evolution of the light field in the laser. Laser science predates the invention of the laser itself. It is also concerned with the physics of laser beam propagation, particularly the physics of Gaussian beams, with laser applications, and with related fields such as nonlinear optics and quantum optics.
Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences | Atomic Physics Conferences
6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics International Conference, June 18-23, 2017, Catania, Italy; Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, February 22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, August 17-26, 2017, Crete, Greece; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, November 06-07, 2017, Beijing, China; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; American Chemical Society (ACS); NAS - National Academy of Sciences; National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP); Acoustical Society of America (ASA); FAS - Federation of American Scientists; American Association of Physics Teachers.
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 7: Geophysics
Geophysics deals with a wide collection of geologic phenomena, including the temperature distribution of the Earth’s interior; the source, formation, and variations of the geomagnetic field; and the large-scale features of the terrestrial crust, for instance rifts, continental sutures, and mid-oceanic ridges. Many of the problems of geophysics are analogous to those of astronomy because the subject studied is hardly under direct observation, and conclusions must be drawn largely on the basis of mathematical understanding of physical measurements. These include measurements of the Earth’s gravitational field through gravimeters on land and sea and artificial satellites in space; magneto metric measurements of the planet’s magnetic field; and seismological reviews of subsurface geologic structures using reflected and refracted elastic waves formed by earthquakes or by artificial means.
Physics Conferences | Nuclear Physics Conferences | Particle Physics Conferences
6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, November 06-07, 2017, Beijing, China; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, August 17-26, 2017, Crete, Greece; January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics International Conference, June 18-23, 2017, Catania, Italy; Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, February 22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; American Center for Physics; American Physical Society (APS); American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO); ASM International: The Materials Information Society (ASM); International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG); Oceanography Society (OS); Canadian Space Society.
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 8: Computational Physics
Computational physics may be generally defined as the science of using computers to assist in the solution of physical problems, and to further physics research. Computers now play a role in almost every branch of physics, Large scale quantum mechanical calculations in nuclear, atomic, molecular and condensed matter physics, large scale calculations in such fields as hydrodynamics, astrophysics, plasma physics, meteorology and geophysics, modelling and simulation of complex physical systems such as those that occur in condensed matter physics, medical physics and engineering applications, experimental data processing and image processing, computer algebra; development and applications, and the online interactions between physicist and the computer system are some examples of areas that lie within the scope of computational physics.
Physics Conferences | Optical Physics Conferences | Photonics Conferences
2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, November 06-07, 2017, Beijing, China; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; 6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics International Conference, June 18-23, 2017, Catania, Italy; Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, February 22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, August 17-26, 2017, Crete, Greece; American Center for Physics; FAS - Federation of American Scientists; National Research Council; NAS - National Academy of Sciences.
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 9: Biophysics
Biophysics is a science that applies the approaches and methods of physics to study biological systems. Biophysics covers all measures of biological organization, from molecular to organismic and populations. Biophysical research parts important overlap with biochemistry, nanotechnology, bioengineering, computational biology and systems biology. Biophysics characteristically addresses biological demands similar to those in biochemistry and molecular biology, but more quantitatively, seeking to find the physical foundations of biomolecular phenomena. Scientists in this field conduct research concerned with understanding the interfaces between the various systems of a cell, including the interactions between DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis, and how these interactions are controlled. A great variety of techniques are used to answer these questions.
Physics Conferences | Quantum Physics Conferences | Condensed Matter Physics Conferences
6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, August 17-26, 2017, Crete, Greece; AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Chemical Society (ACS); American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM); Canadian Association of Physicists; NAS - National Academy of Sciences.
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 10: Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics is a science of the very small. Quantum mechanics describes the behaviour of matter and its relations by energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. By distinction, classical physics only explains matter and energy on a scale conversant to human experience, including the behaviour of astronomical bodies such as the Moon. Classical physics is still used in ample of modern science and technology. However, towards the end of the nineteenth century, scientists discovered occurrences in both the large (macro) and the small (micro) worlds that classical physics could not explain. Coming to terms with these limits led to two major revolutions in physics which created a shift in the original scientific model: the theory of relativity and the development of quantum mechanics. This article describes how physicists discovered the limits of classical physics and developed the main concepts of the quantum theory that replaced it in the early decades of the twentieth century. These concepts are described in roughly the order in which they were first discovered.
Physics Conferences | Chemical Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences
2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, November 06-07, 2017, Beijing, China; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics International Conference, June 18-23, 2017, Catania, Italy; Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, February 22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; Acoustical Society of America (ASA); American Center for Physics; Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI* Research Association; Astronomical Society at the University of Illinois; IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; National Space Science & Technology Institute; Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 11: Electromagnetism
Electromagnetism deals with the study of the electromagnetic force, a type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles. Electromagnetic force generally shows electromagnetic fields, such as electric fields, magnetic fields. The electromagnetic force is one of the four vital interactions (generally called forces) in nature. The other three important interactions are the strong interaction, the weak interaction, and gravitation.
Physics Conferences | Particle Physics Conferences | Atomic Physics Conferences
3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; 6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, November 06-07, 2017, Beijing, China; AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Mathematical Society; ASM International: The Materials Information Society (ASM); IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; IEE -- Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK); Max-Planck-Society (Fritz-Haber-Institute in Berlin-Dahlem); NAS - National Academy of Sciences.
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 12: Chemical Physics
Chemical physics is a sub discipline of physics and chemistry that considers physicochemical phenomena by means of techniques from atomic physics, molecular physics and condensed matter physics; it is the branch of physics that studies chemical processes from the point of view of physics. However at the interface of physics and chemistry, chemical physics is distinct from physical chemistry in that it emphases more on the characteristic elements and theories of physics. In the meantime, physical chemistry studies the physical nature of chemistry. Nevertheless, the distinction between the two fields is vague, and workers frequently practice in both fields during the course of their research.
Physics Conferences | Computational Physics Conferences | High Energy Physics Conferences
2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, November 06-07, 2017, Beijing, China; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; 6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics International Conference, June 18-23, 2017, Catania, Italy; Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, February 22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; IEEE - Institute of Electrical and ELectronics Engineers; IEEE - Computer Society; IEE -- Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK).
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 13: Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is technology at the nanoscale. Nanotechnology is the ability to work at the molecular level, atom by atom, to make large structure with fundamentally new molecular organization. Scientists currently debate the future implications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is able to produce many new materials and devices with a vast range of applications, such as in nanomedicine, Nano electronics, biomaterials energy production, and consumer products.
Physics Conferences | Nuclear Physics Conferences | Medical Physics Conferences
International Conference on Nanotechnology, August 7-8, 2017, Beijing, China; 15th World Medical Nanotechnology Congress & Expo, May 22-23, 2017, Osaka, Japan; World Congress on Regulations of Nanotechnology, July 11-12, 2017, CHICAGO, USA; 16th World Nano Conference, June 5-6, 2017, Milan, Italy; 14th Global Experts Meeting on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, March 30- 31, 2017, Madrid, Spain; 19th Nano Congress for Next Generation, September 10-11, 2017, UK; 18th Nanotechnology Products and Expo, September 10-11, 2017, Seoul, South Korea; 19th International Conference on Nanotech and Expo, November 13-14, 2017,Chicago, USA; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, November 06-07, 2017, Beijing, China; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; 6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Center for Physics; American Physical Society (APS); IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 14:Plasma Physics
Plasma is created by heating a gas or exposing it to a strong electromagnetic field, applied with a laser or microwave generator. This decreases or surges the number of electrons, creating positive or negative charged particles called ions, and is escorted by the dissociation of molecular bonds, if present. Plasma is the most abundant form of normal matter in the Universe (of the forms confirmed to exist; the more abundant dark matter is hypothetical and may or may not be clarified by normal matter), most of which is in the rarefied intergalactic regions, particularly the intracluster medium, and in stars, with the Sun. A common form of plasma on Earth is produced in neon signs. Much of the understanding of plasma has come from the search of controlled nuclear fusion and fusion power, for which plasma physics provides the scientific foundation.
Physics Conferences | Quantum Physics Conferences | Optical Physics Conferences
2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; 6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics International Conference, June 18-23, 2017, Catania, Italy; Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, February 22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; American Mathematical Society; American Physical Society (APS); ASM International: The Materials Information Society (ASM); IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; National Space Society.
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
Track 15: Condensed Matter Physics
Condensed matter physics is a subdivision of physics that deals with the physical properties of condensed phases of matter. Condensed matter physicists try to understand the behaviour of these phases by using physical laws. In particular, they comprise the laws of quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and statistical mechanics. The diversity of systems and occurrences obtainable for study makes condensed matter physics the most active field of contemporary physics: one third of all American physicists find themselves as condensed matter physicists, and the Division of Condensed Matter Physics is the major division at the American Physical Society. The field overlaps with chemistry, material science, and nanotechnology, and relates carefully to atomic physics and biophysics.
Physics Conferences | Nanotechnology Conferences | Chemical Physics Conferences
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics, October 16-18, 2017, Chicago, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, October 19-21, 2017, Chicago, USA; 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, May 28-June 02, 2017, Park City, United States; 2017 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 17-21, 2017, New Orleans, LA, United States; 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, January 23-27, 2017, Bormio, Italy; 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics International Conference, June 18-23, 2017, Catania, Italy; Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, February 22, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 7th Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, February 01-03, 2017, Washington, United States; 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS, August 16 2017, Wyoming, United States; 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, August 17-26, 2017, Crete, Greece; 2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, November 06-07, 2017, Beijing, China; 2nd International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, November 20-21, 2017, London, UK; 2nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Energy, May 15-16, 2017, Munich, Germany; 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, October 19-20, 2017, Rome, Italy; 6th International Conference on Photonics, July 31- August 01, 2017, Milan, Italy; 3rd World Congress on Lasers and Optics, July 31- August 02, 2017, Milan, Italy; 6th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics, August 02-03, 2017 Milan, Italy; 2nd annual meeting on Rheology, August 21-22, 2017, Paris, France; International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing, August 24-25, 2017, Las Vegas, USA; AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Chemical Society (ACS); IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; Board on Physics and Astronomy; National Research Council; Radiological Society of North America (RSNA); FAS - Federation of American Scientists.
Related Societies:
American Physical Society | Fellows of the Australian Institute of Physics | Institute of Physics | Optical Society | Académie de Physique | American Crystallographic Association | Japan Society of Applied Physics | Nepal Physical Society | The Optical Society | Photonics Society of Poland | Physical Society of London | Swiss Physical Society | Physics Society of Iran | Société Française de Physique | American Physical Society | Australian Institute of Physics | Austrian Physical Society | Brazilian Physical Society | Canadian Association of Physicists | Chinese Physical Society | Community of Physics | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft | Estonian Physical Society | European Physical Society | Faraday Society | Indian Physical Society | Institute of Physics | Italian Physical Society | International Association of Mathematical Physics | International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation | Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation | Society of Physicists of Macedonia | Society of Physics Students | Mathematical Association of America
2nd International conference on Physics which is going to be an outstanding world-class event dedicated to Physics that provides a premier technical forum for reporting and learning about the latest research and development, along with launching new applications and technologies. Events include significant themes of presentations from all over the world and professional networking with industries, leading working groups and panels.
Conference Series is conducting this event which includes present significant themes of physics conferences such as medical physics conference, applied physics conference, occupational physics conference, high energy physics conference, plasma physics conference, applied physics conference, condensed matter physics conference, quantum physics conference, etc.
We want to make a worldwide meet in which data between researchers from the different controls can be effectively traded. The explanation behind bringing the general population at the meetings together is to catalyze empowering trades and connections between specialists in different fields, from physical science to engineering. It will make new interdisciplinary systems and permit members to trade know-how and data to accomplish speedier and better results.
Target Audience:
- Professors, Students, Researchers and Technical Staff from Physics and Astronomy and other related disciplines
- Scientists and students from Engineering and Technology(E&T)
- Delegates from Physical Science and Nanotechnology Associations
- Delegates from Physics, Semiconductor, Electronics, Power and Energy related industries
- Directors of Companies
- Managers & Business Intelligence Experts
- Research students and Research Institutes
- Advertising and Promotion Agency Executives
- Nanotechnology Engineers
For more relevant information on tracks, please visit
Physics Conferences | Conferences in Physics | Physics Conferences 2017 | Physics Conference Series | Physics Events | Physics Conference | Europe | 2017
Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines, perhaps the oldest through its inclusion of astronomy. It is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves. Physics intersects with many interdisciplinary areas of research, such as biophysics and quantum chemistry, and the boundaries of physics are not rigidly defined. Contemporary research in physics can be broadly divided into condensed matter physics; atomic, molecular and optical physics, particle physics, astrophysics, geophysics and biophysics. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms of other sciences while opening new avenues of research in areas such as mathematics and philosophy. Physics also makes significant contributions through advances in new technologies that arise from theoretical breakthroughs. For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetism or nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products that have dramatically transformed modern day society such as television, computers, domestic appliances, and nuclear weapons; advances in thermodynamics led to the development of industrialization and advances in mechanics inspired the development of calculus. Physics aims to describe the various phenomena that occur in nature in terms of simpler phenomena. Thus, physics aims to both connect the things observable to humans to root causes and then connect these causes together.
We invite you, on behalf of the ConferenceSeries Ltd and Organizing Committee Members of Physics 2017, to this excellent meeting with great scientists and researchers from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting results in Physics World, which will be held in Brussels, Belgium from August 28-30, 2017. This exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world.
Importance& Scope:
Conference Series and Organizing Committee of Physics 2017 cordially invites all the participants to attend "2nd International Conference on Physics" during August 28-30, 2017 at Brussels, Belgium. Happening as one of the biggest conference dedicated to Physics that provides a premier technical forum for reporting and learning about the latest research and development, along with launching new applications and technologies. The Event includes necessary sessions like Keynote session, plenary session, workshops, panel discussions as well as oral, poster and E-poster presentations by various renowned participants from all over the world and professional networking with industries, leading working groups and panels.
Why Brussels?
Brussels is a locale of Belgium involving 19 districts, including the City of Brussels which is the by law capital of Belgium. The Brussels-Capital Region is a piece of both the French Community of Belgium and the Flemish Community, yet is separate from the area of Flanders (in which it shapes an enclave) or Wallonia. The locale has a populace of 1.2 million and a metropolitan region with a populace of more than 1.8 million, the biggest in Belgium.
Why to attend?
2nd International conference on Physics is going to be the biggest conference dedicated to Physics provides a premier technical forum for reporting and learning about the latest research and development, along with launching new applications and technologies. Events include hot topics presentations from all over the world and professional networking with industries, leading working groups and panels.
Conference Series is conducting this event which includes present significant themes of physics conferences such as medical physics conference, applied physics conference, occupational physics conference, high energy physics conference, plasma physics conference, applied physics conference, condensed matter physics conference, quantum physics conference, etc.
Major Physics Associations around the Globe
Ø International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
Ø International Astronomical Union
Ø The international society for optics and photonics
Ø International Union of Crystallography
Ø Society of Non-Linear and Dynamics Econometrics
Ø The International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP)
Ø The international society for optics and photonics (IUPAB)
Major Physics Associations in USA
Ø American Physical Society
Ø American Association of Physicists in Medicine
Ø American Astronomical Society
Ø American Crystallographic Association
Ø American Meteorological Society
Ø American Physical Society
Ø American Association of Physics Teachers
World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, tactics and the newest updates along with the advances in the field of Physics.
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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World
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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Our International Journals.
- Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Journal of Lasers, Optics and Photonics
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