Call for Abstract

2nd International Conference on Physics, will be organized around the theme “Accentuating Novel Researches and frontline Advances of Physics”

Physics 2017 is comprised of 15 tracks and 117 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Physics 2017.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Physics is amiably that tiny subset of reality that is susceptible to mathematics. Physics as an exact science, deals with matter and energy in terms of motion, and is knowledge possessed as the result of study and practise, which is classified and accumulated. Physics is used heavily in engineering. Physics covers a wide range of phenomena, from simplest particles (such as quarks, neutrinos, and electrons) to the largest superclusters of galaxies. Involved in these phenomena do the most basic objects comprise all other things. Therefore, physics is sometimes called the "fundamental science"

  • Track 1-1Modern Physics
  • Track 1-2Theories of Planck, Bernoulli, Joule, etc.
  • Track 1-3Computational Physics
  • Track 1-4Theoretical Physics
  • Track 1-5Applied physics
  • Track 1-6Solar Physics
  • Track 1-7Medical physics
  • Track 1-8Fundamental and applied superconductivity
  • Track 1-9Theoretical condensed matter

Astrophysics is the application of the law of physics to everything that lies outside our planet. As such it is the child of other sciences nut completely dwarfs them in its scope. Astrophysics differs from other branches of physics by its difficult accessibility. A deficit of tangible and visible details must be replaced by a surplus of imagination and cross-linkages, and analyses involve many more order-of-magnitude estimates than otherwise for which precision is less significant than speed and transparency. Success in research therefore depends more critically on a handy calculus.

  • Track 2-1Observational astronomy
  • Track 2-2Radio astronomy
  • Track 2-3Optical astronomy
  • Track 2-4Infrared astronomy
  • Track 2-5Ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma ray astronomy
  • Track 2-6Cosmology
  • Track 2-7Stellar physics
  • Track 2-8Material physics

Particle physics research is concentrated on subatomic particles, including atomic constituents such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, produced by radioactive and scattering processes, such as photons, neutrinos, and muons, as well as a wide range of unusual particles. Dynamics of particles is also governed by quantum mechanics; they exhibit wave–particle duality, displaying particle-like behaviour under definite experimental conditions and wave-like behaviour in others. The field of particle physics developed out of nuclear physics and is typically taught in close association with nuclear physics. Nuclear physics research is concentrated on understanding the matter composed of quarks and gluons, which makes up 99% of the mass of the universe.

  • Track 3-1Experimental nuclear physics
  • Track 3-2Theoretical nuclear physics
  • Track 3-3Theoretical particle physics
  • Track 3-4Subatomic physics
  • Track 3-5Nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, decay, science, etc.
  • Track 3-6Nucleosynthesis
  • Track 3-7Nuclear weapons
  • Track 3-8Nanoscale structure and structural defects

Applied physics is an application of the science of physics to helping human beings and solving their problems. It differs from engineering because engineers solve definite problems. Applied physicists use physics or conduct physics research to advance new technologies or resolve engineering problems. In other words, applied physics is embedded in the fundamental facts and basic concepts of the physical sciences but is concerned with the use of these scientific principles in practical devices and systems.

  • Track 4-1Heavy ion collisions and QCD phases
  • Track 4-2Hadron structure, spectroscopy and dynamics
  • Track 4-3Tectonophysics and sociophysics
  • Track 4-4Medical physics
  • Track 4-5Metrological physics
  • Track 4-6Electrical engineering
  • Track 4-7Physical applications in chemistry
  • Track 4-8Quantum information of science
  • Track 4-9Fluid dynamics

Atomic Physics studies about the structure of atoms, their mutual interaction and their dynamics, i.e., their time-dependent properties. The goal of experimental and theoretical efforts in this field is the full understanding of macroscopic properties of matter on the base of its microscopic composition of the constituent atoms and a quantitative description of the relations between microscopic and macroscopic features. Optical physics studies the interactions of light with atoms, molecules and semiconductor systems in different contexts. Research in optical physics places an emphasis on ultrafast optical science and technology. Researchers in optical physics use and develop light sources that span the electromagnetic spectrum from microwaves to X-rays. The applications of optical physics create innovations in communications, medicine, manufacturing, and even entertainment.


  • Track 5-1Atomic spectroscopy
  • Track 5-2Atomics of optical science
  • Track 5-3Molecular optical sciences
  • Track 5-4Molecular physics
  • Track 5-5Surface enhanced spectroscopy (SES)
  • Track 5-6Quantum science and technology
  • Track 5-7Nonlinear optics

The word Laser is an acronym for the most significant features of laser action: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Laser brought about a revolution in optical technology and spectroscopy, and had a far-reaching influence in various fields of science and technology. Laser physics is concerned with various physical aspects of the operation of lasers, such as the physics of laser gain media , the temporal evolution of light in the laser resonator, or the origins of laser noise, the sensitivity of laser resonators against thermal lensing effects or misalignment.

  • Track 6-1Laser systems
  • Track 6-2Fiber laser technology
  • Track 6-3Lasers in tissue engineering: Laser tissue interaction
  • Track 6-4Lasers in medicine
  • Track 6-5Laser in technology
  • Track 6-6Light emitting diode and organic laser

Geophysics is a subject of natural science dealing with the physical processes and physical properties of the Earth and its surrounding space environment, and the usage of quantitative means for their analysis. The word geophysics sometimes signifies only to the geological applications like Earth's shape, its gravitational and magnetic fields, its inner structure and composition, its dynamics and the surface appearance in plate tectonics, the generation of magmas, volcanism and rock formation. Geophysics is useful to societal requirements, such as mineral resources, extenuation of natural hazards and ecological protection. Geophysical survey statistics are used to analyse potential petroleum reservoirs and mineral deposits, trace groundwater, discovery archaeological relics, determine the thickness of glaciers and soils, and evaluate sites for environmental remediation.

  • Track 7-1Bio geophysics
  • Track 7-2Exploration geophysics
  • Track 7-3Geophysical fluid dynamics
  • Track 7-4Geodesy
  • Track 7-5Geodynamics
  • Track 7-6Geomagnetism
  • Track 7-7Mathematical geophysics
  • Track 7-8Near-surface geophysics
  • Track 7-9Tectonophysics

Computational physics deals with the study and application of numerical analysis to solve problems in physics for which a quantitative theory already exists. Historically, computational physics was the first application of modern computers in science, and is now a subcategory of computational science. Computational physics can be seen as the evolution of the field that was once called Mathematical Physics. Such a progression has been brought about by the remarkable technological progress, especially that made over the past two decades, in the development of large scale computing facilities, and their ensuing utilization to the resolution of problems in physics which do not lend themselves to exact analytical treatments.

  • Track 8-1Numerical integration
  • Track 8-2Modelling and simulation
  • Track 8-3Molecular dynamics
  • Track 8-4Computational electromagnetics‎
  • Track 8-5Computational particle physics‎
  • Track 8-6Computational fluid dynamics‎

Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science where between biology and physics-as may be concluded by its name- and it is likewise connected to other disciplines, such as mathematics, physical chemistry, and biochemistry. Throughout the history of biophysics there have been efforts to apply the actual state of physics to understand the processes of life. Even though early thoughts were based on mechanical models, later other models including electrical, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanical were used.

  • Track 9-1Quantum biology
  • Track 9-2Pharmacology and physiology
  • Track 9-3Bioenergetics and biomechanics
  • Track 9-4Molecular dynamics simulation and Molecular docking

Quantum theory is the theoretic basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behaviour of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level. The nature and performance of matter and energy at that level is sometimes referred to as quantum physics. Quantum physics is the science of things so small that quantum reality has an effect. Quantum means ‘discrete amount or portion’. One of the most surprising and (historically, at least) controversial aspects of quantum physics is that it’s impossible to determine with certainty the outcome of a single experiment on a quantum system.

  • Track 10-1Symmetry and asymmetry in quantum physics
  • Track 10-2Quantum technologies and information processing
  • Track 10-3Many-body quantum theory in condensed matter physics
  • Track 10-4Quantum effects in biological systems
  • Track 10-5Fundamental and applied superconductivity
  • Track 10-6The classical universes of the no-boundary quantum state
  • Track 10-7Quantum DE coherence and dephasing
  • Track 10-8Quantum probabilities for inflation from holography

Electromagnetism, science of charge and forces, and fields associated with charge. An important aspect of electromagnetism is the discipline of electricity, which is concerned with the behaviour of aggregates of charge, including the distribution of charge inside matter and the motion of charge from place to place. Electromagnetism is related to the electromagnetic force that results the attraction and repulsion of electrically charged particles. It is considered one of the fundamental forces in nature, that also comprises gravitational and nuclear forces. The force and conservation laws are only two aspects of electromagnetism.

  • Track 11-1Electrical fields and magnetic fields
  • Track 11-2Magnetic field of steady currents
  • Track 11-3Eddy currents and their related studies
  • Track 11-4Mathematical description of electromagnetic field
  • Track 11-5Photoelectric effects, quantities and units
  • Track 11-6Magnetic permeability and susceptibility
  • Track 11-7Inductance, computational electromagnetics

There is significant interest currently in obtaining an understanding of the physical and chemical properties of small atomic clusters, individually because of fundamental and practical reasons. At the applied level, the continuous request for further reduction of electronic and optical devices is pushing the size of their several components to the nano-scale boundary. Also, atomic clusters can function as building blocks in the construction of new, nano-assembled materials, which may possess new properties. At the fundamental level, it is very interesting to analyse how the bulk-like properties appear from those of large clusters of increasing size, which could enhance our present understanding of solid-state physics.

  • Track 12-1Chemical kinetics
  • Track 12-2Ions in crystals and in solutions
  • Track 12-3Nuclear motion
  • Track 12-4Photo physics and photochemistry
  • Track 12-5Photo induced electron transfer
  • Track 12-6Conductivity of electron pairs, organic systems

Nanotechnology is an application of scientific knowledge to measure, create, pattern, manipulate, utilize or incorporate materials and components in the nanoscale. It is of wider significance that the power of nanotechnology has enabled complexity to be understood at ever smaller scales, which is helping humanity to understand the specific basis of some of the oldest and most intractable of technologies, such as those involved in food and medicine

  • Track 13-1Forces at the nano scale
  • Track 13-2Nanometrology
  • Track 13-3Non carbon nanomaterials and their productions
  • Track 13-4Nanoelectronics and nanolithography
  • Track 13-5Nanodevices and nano factors

The term plasma is referred to as the fourth state of matter. Plasma is not only most energetic but also most challenging for researchers state of matter. Applications of plasma can provide major benefits over existing methods. Often, processes can be performed that are not possible in any other manner. Plasma can provide an efficiency increase in processing methods and very often can reduce environmental impact in comparison to more conventional processes.

  • Track 14-1Electric conductivity in magnetised and non-magnetised plasma
  • Track 14-2Particle interactions in plasma
  • Track 14-3Waves in warm plasma, hot magnetised plasma and isotropic plasma
  • Track 14-4Complex plasma phenomena
  • Track 14-5Interstellar medium plasma

Condensed matter physics deals with many-body interacting systems. However, it builds on, and in turn contributes to, other fields. It requires knowledge of the fundamental force laws between atoms and molecules and the properties of small groups of these particles; it thus builds on atomic and molecular physics as well as on classical and quantum mechanics. Since it focuses on macroscopic properties rather than trajectories of individual particles, condensed matter physics requires an understanding of how things behave under different averaging processes; it builds on statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. Probably the most important unifying concept to emerge from the study of condensed matter physics is that macroscopic properties are governed by conservation laws and broken symmetries.

  • Track 15-1Solid state physics
  • Track 15-2Crystallography
  • Track 15-3Quantum mechanics
  • Track 15-4Superconductivity and super fluidity
  • Track 15-5Fluid mechanics