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Eliade Stefanescu

Eliade Stefanescu

Advanced Studies in Physics Centre of the Romanian Academy, Romania


Eliade Stefanescu graduated from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest in 1970, with a specialization in Physics of Semiconductor Devices in 1976, and a PhD in Theoretical Physics in 1990. He became a Scientist in 1976, Senior Scientist 3 in 1978, Senior Scientist 2 in 1991, and Senior Scientist 1 in 1997. Since 2004 he is Senior Scientist 1 at Advanced Studies in Physics Centre of the Romanian Academy. He is known for a microscopic theory of open quantum systems, the invention and the microscopic theory of a semiconductor device for the convertion of environmental heat into usable energy, and a unitary quantum relativistic theory.


Abstract : Electromagnetic field, spin and gravitation, as characteristics of a charged quantum particle wave function