Mioara Mugur Schachter
University of Reims, France
Title: Principles of a second quantum mechanics constructed bottom-up
Biography: Mioara Mugur Schachter
This is not an interpretation of the Hilbert-Dirac quantum mechanics QMHD. It exposes the principles of a new representation of
microstates called a second quantum mechanics and denoted QM2. This representation is rooted directly into the a-conceptual
physical reality wherefrom it has been constructed bottom-up, conceptually and formally and in uninterrupted relation with
factuality. First a qualitative but formalized representation of the general characteristics of any physical theory of the microstates is
developed quite independently of the quantum mechanical formalism and outside it, under exclusively the [operational-conceptualmethodological]
constraints entailed by the requirement of a consensual, predictive, and verifiable description of entities that –
radically – cannot be perceived directly by human conceptors-observers. This representation is called infra-(quantum mechanics)
and is denoted IQM. The specific purpose of IQM is to offer a reference-and-imbedding-structure for the construction of any
acceptable theory of the microstates: Only a pre-structure of this sort could permit to overcome the thick inertial ties that immobilize
the minds inside an out-dated theory that still subsists only by idolization. Indeed IQM overcomes the idolization by constructing
comparability with QMHD, which endows with criteria for estimating from various and definite points of view the significance
and the adequacy of each one among the main classes of mathematical representational elements from its formalism. IQM can
be regarded as a first realization from a whole group of structures of a new kind, constructed inside the framework of the general
Method of Relativized Conceptualization MRC and conceived in order to act as infra-(representational structures) for guiding the
construction of a theory on any given domain of physical entities. By systematic reference to IQM – is worked out a preliminary
critical examination of QMHD. It thus appears that: (a) QMHD is devoid of any general formal representation of the physical,
individual entities and operations that it quite essentially does involve: the whole level of individual conceptualization of the
microstates is lacking, massively. Inside QMHD are clearly defined exclusively abstract statistics of results of measurements on
only ghostly sketched out physical entities and physical operations on these; and even these definitions themselves are found to be
incomplete, or cryptic, or even inadequate. (b) The mathematical formalism from QMHD does involve – and in a quite fundamental
role – a definite model of a specimen of a microstate, namely de Broglie's wave-model with a corpuscular-like singularity in its
amplitude. But both this fact and its meaning remain implicit. So their consequences are not systematically recognized and made use
of. This entails a catastrophic hole in the process of representation, namely absence of explicit coding rules of the observable effects
of an act of quantum-measurements, in terms of a definite value of the measured quantity. From (a) and (b) it follows that QMHD
is simply devoid of an acceptable representation of the quantum measurements: Such, in fact, is the idolized nowadays Hilbert-
Dirac Quantum-Mechanics. The mentioned lacunae are then compensated via a radically constructive bottom-up approach that
starts from local zeros of knowledge on the individual physical entities that are involved. First a new representation of the quantum
measurements is elaborated for any un-bound microstate, whether devoid of a quantum-potential, or containing such a potential
(while the category of bound states does not raise questions of principle from the point of view of IQM). The elaboration of this
representation involves incorporation of a second central feature from Louis de Broglie's approach, beside his model, namely the
guiding-rule that defines the momentum observable of the corpuscular-like singularity from the wave of a specimen of the studied
microstate. The mathematical representation of predictive probability-measures on results of outcomes of quantum measurements
are then constructed factually – via measurements – just as one is obliged to do for verifying the asserted predictions. Thereby this
representation emerges independent of the Schrödinger equation of the problem. So the use of this equation – if it can be written and solved – is quite generally duplicated by a factual-formal procedure for establishing the predictions. This permits control of
the output of the equation when gross idealizations or/and approximations are involved. And when the equation cannot be solved
or even cannot be defined, this offers the possibility of a total factual replacement of its theoretical output. (Such a situation is first
surprising inside a fundamental theory of mathematical physics; but finally it appears as quite consonant with the new possibilities
generated by the progresses realized in informatics and in nanotechnology). Finally, around the core constituted by the mentioned
new representation of the quantum measurements, is structured a very synthetic global outline of the Second Quantum Mechanics,
QM2. This emerges as a fully intelligible, consensual, predictive and verifiable representation of microstates where the operational
generation of conceptual-experimental data on factually generated microstates are expressed in formalized qualitative terms while
the asserted verifiable predictions are expressed in terms of Hilbert-vectors.