Nicole Herbots Culbertson
Emeritus Professor
Arizona State University
Nicole Herbots, i.r., PhD UCL, doctor ingenieur, joined ASU's Department of Physics & Astronomy in 1991 ,after 4 years as a faculty at MIT (1987-1991), and 3.5 years as research scientist in the Solid State Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1984-1987). She is presently a professor emeritus in Physics at ASU. She is an inventor who holds multiple patents in semiconductors, medical electronics, molecular inorganic and organic nanophases and nanoscale technology. She is also a science educator who won a teaching award from engineering students for her development of interactive in-class and desktop experiments to teach fundamental and quantum physics concepts to undergraduates, and for her use of technology and whiteboards. She was an IBM Professor of Electronic Materials and a Carl Soderberg professor at MIT and a researcher in the Particle-Solid Interactions in the Solid State Division at Oak Ridge National Lab.
Research Interest
Condensed Matter Physics